Wednesday, October 2, 2013

                                                 "A CEMETERY  BY THE PARK"
                                                          (by Job Cuellar Salazar) 

                                                                  CHAPTER 1

I usually do my regular exercise walk in the mornings by the park around 7:00 am, I start this about a year ago or may be more. Anyway, This park is very different and located up north of the city that I live in, witch is Houston Texas (USA), very Proud of my home town.
As I was saying, I usually walk all around for almost hour/ and a half, and is about Three Laps Tops, and sometimes I'll do the extra by adding one more Lap. Now this park is very strange, and a Little bit unusual, cause right on one side is a bayou, and on the side of that bayou is a Cemetery, that whenever I do my walking in the mornings, I can see it very clear, and is right there. Only one thing separate the park and the cemetery is the bayou.
Sometimes but not everyday, is a Funeral service going on there, I can see it, and I can hear the cry's that everyone suffers around there, in times I'll try not to look, but sometimes you just can't help it. Lately for the past few weeks I haven't see anything, none until this morning that I saw something different, I saw a Man standing on the edge of that Bayou, looking at the other side of the cemetery, white shirt, blue jeans, no shoes, was a young man, I pass by that man without saying anything to him. Strangely, he turn to see me and said; "Nice day for a walk sir" - at witch I replay; "yes indeed" - Then I turn around and  keep on walking, later after I'd finish my first round, ready to star my second lap, I look at the same spot where the man was before, didn't see him. i was thinking that he probably left and go home. Then I look down by the Bayou, and the I have a Little surprise there, I saw the same man walking in the waters of the bayou, in that moment i was wondering what he was going to do next. at witch mind my own business, I yell at him, and ask him; "Excuse me sir...what in hell are you doing there?!" - The man putting a big smile on his face respond at me and say; "I am taking a Bath sir! No worries, I'll be ok...! - Then I put a smile on my face, turn around and keep on walking saying; "What a Loony world are we live in? ha ha...
On my last round, starting my third lap, I pass by the same spot where I saw the man, wondering if he still there, I look down by the bayou, and I saw him, now dress with different cloths, now he was wearing a Black suit, with white shirt, and black tide. Strangely he wasn't wearing any shoes, this time I dare to stop and ask him; "are you going to a wedding sir?" - Again he smiles at me and replays; "nope...I am going to a Funeral in about an are welcome to come my dear curios walk friendly man" - Again I smile at him and respond; "No tank you! You enjoy your party sir, and I'll see you later" - So I left the scene, and keep on walking, and returning back home.

                                                            CHAPTER 2 

At the next day once again, same time, same routine, warming up for the day, summer was already here, the day's are getting hotter and brighter. Starting the same routine walking by the little Bayou, water was calm. and the bird's singing around, curious I look at the same spot where the man was standing yesterday, but no one was there. But someone was at the other side of the Bayou at the cemetery, working with his bulldozer, making a new hole, for a new comer at that place. Then I say to myself - "Two this record!" - Muck me if you like, but that's the way I see it.
On my second round, more people were working around, I guess they were preparing all the ornaments for the new funeral, no doubt I was very curious, who will be there, and how many will be attending this time. Few minutes later, I saw an Old woman dress in Black, with a portable chair on her hands coming on my way, in front of me, but she pass me by without saying a word to me, I keep walking ignore who she was. However she Look's Interesting cause she was walking on hill shoes, and a Black dress, hard to believe that she was exercising or may be going to work, anyway I decide to keep on walking and finish my exercise of the day.
On my third round, passing by the same place where i saw the guy yesterday, this time I saw the Old lady, the one was dressing in Black and pass by before, sitting down, facing the Old cemetery, curiously, and slowing down on my walk, I approach her and ask her - "Forgive me Madam...are you ok? - The lady Turns to see me, then smiles at me and say - "Yes tank you for asking!" - Then I replay Looking at the people that their were working down there in the cemetery - "Looking for something Interesting down there?" - She smiles again at me and responds - "I am Looking at my Son's Funeral, that is going to happen this afternoon, I want it to look just perfect" - Surprisingly my knees bend a little and then i replay - "Your son?" - She Looks at me and say - "That's ok sir we never were very close, but I am glad that he's in haven right now...I hope!" - Then I look at her and ask, because the picture of that young man can keep it out of my mind - "Do you have a Picture of your son right now?" - The Lady think for a few seconds, then look's at her little small wallet that has a little belt, that was around her shoulders, then pulls one old black fade photo, and show it to me saying - "My son wasn't very fun of someone taking picture of him, I only carry this old photo when he was seventeen years Old or was eighteen?...anyway he was a handsome boy" - I look at the Picture, hoping that is not the young man that I saw yesterday, down there in the bayou, then seeing his face, give me a little bit of chills, the Kid kind of Look like the young man that I saw at the bayou, just a little bit of difference...he was young!.
Later the Lady get's up from her chair, and ask me if I was going that way?, I'll replay and ask - "Why...You Leaving now?" - at which she responds - "Yes, plus I have my car park at the other side of the park, right where the parking lot is, will you mind helping me out with this heavy chair? - I was going that way anyway, so I agree to her petitions. Meanwhile, we were taking about things, but my curiosity wants to ask more about her son, one of my questions was - "why did you son die? - Immediately her answer was - "Bad Influence, terrible people that they dare to call themselves "FRIENDS" - Then I dared to ask her the next question - "How did he die?" - Strangely, Looking far down she responds - "Died of drugs...Cocaine to be exact!" - "Where he died?" - Again strangely she stop and pointing by a Bridge and say - "Right there!" - I said - "On Top of the Bridge?" - She Replays negatively - "No!..Under the Bridge!" - Then I say - "In the Bayou... Dose he drown? - I noticed a little bit of anger on her when she respond my questions - "No he wasn't!  he was a good swimmer! he was a Good decent little boy! - I felt her pain in my skin, I put my hand over her shoulders, and offer my condolences, she immediately put her arms around me and cry. 
After that, she calm herself and we walk over her car, there she opens the door, look's at me wiping the last tears of her eyes and smiles, then she ask - "What's your name son?" - I smile back and respond - "My name is Job Madam" - at which she replays and say - "Well Job, tank you for your time, you are welcome to come to my son's funeral if you want, but if you don't come...Ciao Bello! - at the same time I smile at her and waving my hand I said - "Ciao Bella! 

                                                                     Chapter 3 

 Later, when I get home, I took a shower and have breakfast, few hours later, thinking about that day, and going back to the park and see if I can watch the funeral, thinking about the Old lady crying by herself all alone for the lost of her son. Making my mind for a few minutes, I decide to go, and watch from the other side of the Old bayou, so she doesn't see me there. Finally I put my jeans, and a simple white shirt on, not to fancy, not to flashy, so no body can't recognize me there. Strangely the day seems to be changing, from a day sunny light, to a dark gray day, even I can feel rain coming from the south. "Forecasters TV bastards never get it right!" 
Walking by the park, looking or trying to see at the other side, well can't, a little bit of fog embrace the place, then when I get to the spot where I suppose to be, in that Moment, the Fog seems to immediately disappear in moments. Now I can see clearly or almost clearly, then an Idea comes to my mind saying - "Why don you get a Little bit closer?" - So Little by little I starting walking down hill, until I find the right spot to watch the Funeral. Then Incredibly, many people come to say their goodbyes to dead guy, then I ask myself this question - "Why do we cry so much for people that we know when they are death...why don't we cry for them, when they are alive?" - Call stupid or something I don't know? - Anyway when the funeral was over, I saw the Lady, she wasn't crying at all, she actually was happy, shaking hands to all the people that came, smile at them other wondering why dose she was happy, and smiling. May be because she didn't care anymore, maybe the pain of her son was gone, and he will never suffer in this world ever!
Few minutes later I'll decide to leave and go back home, walking back up hill, I saw the Figure of the same man I saw yesterday, wearing the same Black suit, and no shoes, I stare at him and ask him - "What do you want?" - He smiles at me and say - "Tank you for coming, now is time for me to go, may be I'll see you later or in another life" - My knees bend again, but this time make me fall down hill, I get up with a little pain on my back, the I hear a voice behind me saying - "Hello, Hello, Hello Job!" - I Turn around and saw the Old lady in Black waving at me, then I turn back looking up hill trying to find the young man, he wasn't there anymore, he was gone.
Again the Old lady keep calling me and asking if I was ok? - I keep looking up hill to find the young man, but no luck at all, then I'll look back to the Old lady and respond her calls - "Yes Madam I am Ok! how's the Funeral? - She smiles at me and say - "Was a Totally success! and I am glad you're made it, I saw you from down there, tank you for coming!" - "No trouble at all my lady, I hope you'll be Ok after all this?" - Then she Look's around looking for something, she keep quite for almost a minute, then I'll replay at her asking her - "Madam are you alright?" - Her eyes went back to look at me, smiles at , then she responds - "Everything is ok now...everything will be much better now...Go home Job...have a Nice Life"
Then she left the scene, walking back were she belongs, she never look back at me, and I'll never see her anymore... - "Goodbye my Lady, and I'll see you may be in the next life"

                                                                 THE END 

Chapter 3 photo art by sacha kisling.     

Monday, September 30, 2013

                                                       "PENSANDO SI ERAS TU?"

                      Sentado en mi mesa favorita en el cafe' de alado de la esquina,
                      Esperando otro dia a las cinco de la mañana, con mi cuaderno de dibujo,
                      Vi una hermosa mujer, con una hermoso rostro,
                      Cerca de mi mesa, lejos de mi vida, pero cerca de mi ojos.

                     Eramos casi semejantes, pero no iguales...
                     Quice decir yo pobre, ella llena de todo....
                     Ella tenia un lugar donde quedarse y vivir...
                     Yo vivia por donde podia...
                     Ella podia sonreir de todo en esta vida...
                     Yo lo hacia cuando podia....

                     Finalmente termine mi Mona Lisa...
                     Finalmente Logre pintar a mi amada...
                     Pero ella no estabá...ella ya no venia...
                    Hoy vi un rostro parecido al de ella en el cafe' de la esquina,
                    Tal vez pensando que eras tu?
                    Mis dias han terminado, mi vida esta for finalizar...
                    Por que hoy en este dia, decidi no tomar más cafe,
                    No más busqueda por el amor perfecto...
                    Hoy en este dia decidi tomar un Te' en soledad,
                    Por que es más mejor que una Taza llena de cafe...
                    Por que es más mejor el te en soledad...
                   Que pensar que esa eras tu.

                                                                 SALUD! por  Job Cuellar Salazar

                                                      "WONDERING THAT IS YOU?"

                        Sitting on my favor Table, in a Coffee shop around the Corner,
                       Waiting on another day at five in the morning with my drawing pad,
                       I saw her, a beautiful woman, with a beautiful face,
                       across from my table, far from my life, but not from my eyes.

                      We Almost the same but not Equals... 
                      I mean I was Poor, and she was Full of everything....
                      she got a place to stay and live...
                      I just stay anywhere I can...
                     She can smile about anything in this life...
                     I don't do that very often...
                    I finally finish my Mona Lisa, Finally Finish what I love to do
                    But she's not there anymore,
                   Today I saw a Face just like you at the coffee shop,
                   Wondering if is you.

                  My days here are almost over, as my life is almost done,
                 cause Today I decide more Coffee cups for me,
                 No more dreams of finding the perfect love...
                 Today I Find out that a cup Tea it is much better Alone,
                 then a full Cup a coffee full of  wondering that is you?. 

                                                            SALUD!    Job Cuellar Salazar 

Monday, September 23, 2013

                                                      "ADIVINA Y TE DIGO"

                     En veces la mujer más hermosa se esconde esta entre la multitud.
                     En Veces Dos aburridos hacen una buena Idea.
                    Despues de una larga carcajada todo se vuelve aburrido.
                    Es Facil atraer la atencion de una mujer hermosa
                    con tan solo ignorandola.
                    Las mujeres tienen muchas formas tan hermosas e Inteligentes,
                    de como matar la paciencia de un hombre.
                    Si tu eres mujer y sabes como hacer Llorar a un hombre,
                   tu madre deveria de estar orgullosa de ti.

                   Las mujeres se sienten ofendidas cuando un hombre observa
                  sus piernas...bueno DEJEN DE USAR MINIFALDAS!!!
                  Una mujer que usa lentes se dice que es muy inteligente o
                  esta totalmente ciega!
                 Seria muy Interesante esta vida si todos los humanos nacieramos viejos
                 y murieramos jovenes, para que todos asi todos dejaramos de pretender
                 que tenemos menos edad. Ejemplo: "De que Murio?  Pues de que más...
                Murio de juventud!

               Cuando tu suegra visite tu casa de vez en cuando, aprende a actuar como
               si fueras un Zombie, para que ella no te pueda matar.
               Cuando te vistes como un centavo nuevo ni una mujer te hace caso,
               Pero cuando te vistes de te quitan la vista!

              Pretende que me amas...ok o solo que te gusto,
              Pretende que soy tu mejor amigo...ok o que solo me conoces,
              Pero por favor nunca pretendas que soy tu hermano...
              Porque en verdad lo soy!

              Y por Ultimo...Si quieres que todas las mujeres te sigan a todas partes,
              Todo el dia, los siete dias de la vendedor de Zapatos!

                                                                                         By  Job Cuellar Salazar. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

                                            "GUESSING WHAT'S ON MY MIND"

                            Sometimes a beautiful woman disguise herself as a cat woman.
                            If you Look they Look, if you don't they keep looking,
                            But if you look back they are playing with you.

                           Two bored people make one Interesting Idea,
                           But after they starting to Lough, it becomes a bad Idea,
                           is easy to catch the eye of a woman that pass you by ignoring her.
                          I can say sadly that I mess two Important thing in my life at this moment,
                          Love and Money, but the sex is alright I guess ...
                          Woman have to Many beautiful shapes, but they all have a different,
                          and a smart way, to know how to Kill a man...Ouch!

                         If you are a woman, and know how to make cry a man....
                         you mother must be so proud of you.
                         woman feel so cheep when man are looking at her legs...
                         well stop wearing mini-skirts!!

                        I have a Dream that may be one day, you and you Mother,
                        Will be Finally shut up, and find a new address to live!
                        A woman that wear glasses don't mean that she's very smart,
                        is because she is Totally Blind!

                        It will be very Interesting if humans born Old, and die young,
                        so we all stop pretending to look like we are Thirty!
                        If you Mother in Law is at home, and spend the weekend at home,
                       Learn to be a Zombie, so she doesn't Kill you!

                       If you Look like a very shiny Penny...
                       woman will never go out with you,
                       woman will never go to eat with you...
                        will never go and see a Movie with you...
                        about sex?   Oh no! Definitive  they will say Yes to that!

                       Cellular Phones are the must powerful weapon in the world...
                       Even if no one is calling you!
                       If you want woman to fallow you all day, seven day a week...
                      well be a shoe sales man!

                      Pretend that you Love me,
                      pretend that you like me,
                      pretend that you are my best friend or that you know me...
                     But never pretend that you're not my Brother...
                     Cause I am... 


Thursday, September 5, 2013

                                                                 "FORGIVE ME"

                        What is more easy... to write it down on a wall or to say it?
                       Forgive my Intentions my friend, don't mean no harm or hurt you,
                       I just saw a new love in my life walk by me,
                      She doesn't know that yet, but I hope she will soon.

                      Forgive my reasons Old friend, don't wanna take your time,
                      But it look's like someone you might known, but I don't think it is,
                      Monday we expend time together, we talk, hold hands, and Kiss,
                     Tuesday we eat something by the beach, and went to the Movies.
                     Wednesday we talk about her future, but never about mine.

                     Thursday we finally make love at home of curse,
                     Friday I decide to declare my love, my only love to her,
                     That's when everything turns back in time in your face,
                     That's when Love decide not leave by the door...only by the window,
                     My window! were I saw her walk away far away from my life Forever.

                     Now on this day, two years later, I get to see her back again...
                     Now on this day, two years later, on the hands of my best friend...
                     Now on this day, two years later... you marrying her
                     Now on this day, two years later, with still tears on my eyes...
                     I wrote this letter my friend, and ask for Forgiveness...
                    For Now on this day, from two years ago...
                    That I am still in Love of that wonderful woman of yours.

                                                           by Job Cuellar Salazar.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

                                                        "NO ESTOY SOLO"

                                    En esta vida esta permitido divertirse,
                                    En esta vida esta permitido enamorarse,
                                   Esta permitido estar a solas...
                                   Pero sobre todas las cosas en esta vida...
                                  Dicelo a tu corazon...a ti mismo...
                                 Para que lo puedas creer asi...

                                 Todo lo que tu hagas jamás será para simpre...
                               Porque no importando cuantas veces lo digas...
                               Para siempre no es real.

                               Las despedidas no siempre son despedidas...
                              Porque un Adios siempre regresa a ti...
                              No estoy siempre solo...
                              Solo estoy soltero...
                               No quiero tu numero de telefono...
                               O que me escribas cartas de amor...
                              o que me dez abrazos o besos en tus despedidas...
                              Solo quiero que seamos amigos.

                              No estoy solo...solo estoy soltero.

                                                          "I AM NOT ALONE"

                                        In this life is aloud to have fun,
                                        is aloud to fall in Love,
                                       Also in this life is aloud to be alone,
                                       But must of it, tell yourself  this....
                                      So you can believe it.
                                     Whatever that you not forever...
                                     Cause no matter how many times you'll say forever,
                                    Forever will never be Real, will never be true...
                                    On less you Believe in Forever...

                                    Goodbyes are not always goodbyes...
                                    Cause Goodbyes sometimes comeback...
                                    and I am not alone...
                                    I am just a single man...

                                   I don't want your Phone number...
                                   I don't want you to write me a letter...
                                  Or Give me Hug's, Kisses or bye, bye's...
                                  I just want to be Friends with you....

                                 I am not Alone...I am just a single man...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

                                               "ESTA PUEDE SER UNA SALIDA"

                                           Cuando esto paz me abrazará                                           Cuando esto rendire a la felicidad 
                                           Cuando esto termine...La vida me sonreira de nuevo
                                          Y cuano esto termine...tu nunca más existirás.

                                          El pasado nunca Llorará por tí,
                                          Nunca derramara una lagrima por un desvelo,
                                          Nunca te extrañará en un sueño,
                                          Pero si te sonreirá al verte partir.

                                          Pronto volvere a ver el sol de nuevo,
                                          Pronto el verano encontrara su fin,
                                          El invierno asomara su Blanca cabellera,
                                          Otros se iran, como otros jamas regresaran,
                                          Yo como muchos, encontrare otro callejon sin salida,
                                          Yo como muchos, encontare de nuevo un amor en esta vida.

                                                                                                    por Job Cuellar Salazar.


                                                         "THIS IS ONE WAY IN LIFE"

                                             When this is all over... I will embrace peace...
                                            When this is all over...I will surrender to happiness... 
                                            When this is all over...Life will smile at me...
                                           And when this is all over...You not longer exist.

                                          The past will never cry for you,
                                          it will never share a tear for you,
                                          it will never miss you....
                                          But it will smile at you...
                                          when you decide to go... 

                                         Soon I'll be out in the sun....
                                         soon this summer will end....
                                         winter will come, other's will go...
                                         Me... I'll find another way in Life...
                                         Me...I'll find another way to Love... 

                                                                                 by Job C Salazar.

Friday, August 23, 2013

                                                        "PENSAMIENTOS DE HOY" 

                      Un maestro no solo va a la escuela a enseñar, sino aprender de sus pupilos.

                                    Cuando esperas ser servido, espera ser ignorado...

                             Te apuesto si sales más de tu casa el mundo se verá más diferente.

                                        Nada destruye mas al espiritu como la Pobresa.

                                 Una made es un gran libro que todos devemos de leer.

                 Cierto que puedes matar dos pajaros de una ellos estan dormidos!

                                         La estupidez jamas se detiene a hacer preguntas...Oh si?


                                                          "TODAY'S THOUGHTS"

                  A teacher not only goes to school to teach, but Learn from his students.

                                       When you expect to be serve, expect to be ignore.

                                            I bit if you get out more out of the house, 
                                                    You'll see a Better world son...

                                              Noting destroys the Spirit more like poverty.
                                            A mother is a great book that we all need to reed.

                                 Fact:   You can kill two Birds with one stone...if they are sleep!

                                                 Stupidity don't stop for any questions... or is it?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

                                                   "What my mother use to say to me"

                                          The doors will not Open itself on less you knock.

                                            Sometimes leftovers can make a great Supper.

                                      Sometimes you Look great with a few penny's in your Pocket.

                                     Learn Conquer you heart before you conquer a woman's heart.

                                  Never make fell anyone like a Penny or you end up felling like one. 

                                             If you cannot find God at church, don't worry, 
                                                 is at home waiting on you there.

                                      Don't forget to Kiss and say your Goodbyes to the sun,
                                     so it can give you a Great sunset, and a wonderful sunrise.  

                                                    "MI MADRE ME DIJO UN DIA"

                                       Las Puertas no se abren solas, pero si tocas se abrirán.
                                      En veces las sobras de ayer hacen un buen desayuno.

                                     En veces te vez hermoso con tan solo unos centavos en el bolsillo.

                                    Primero conquista tu corazon antes de conquistar el de una mujer.

                                  No hagas sentir a nadie como un centavo o terminarás sintiendote
                                  como un centavo.

                                   En veces la soledad es una gran compañera.

                                  Si no puedes encontrar a Dios en la Iglesia no te preocupes,
                                  de regreso a casa te estará esperando ahí.

                             Y por Ultimo hoy en este dia, no se te Olvide darle un beso y un adios
                             al sol, para que el te regale un bonito atardecer y un Maravilloso amanecer.



Monday, August 19, 2013

                                            Yo naci una vez en una nuvecilla pasajera a lo lejos,
                                            Donde nadie pudiese verme pensativo,
                                            Donde nadie pudiese verme viviendo,
                                            Donde nadie puidera decirme que estoy Loco.

                                           Yo naci una vez en una Nuvecilla pasajera a lo lejos,
                                           Una parte de mi mente viaja a un horizonte lejano,
                                           Pensativo donde mate mis sueños y Olvide sus cenizas,
                                           Y el resto de mi lo deje Olvidado.

                                          Yo naci una vez en una nuvecilla pasajera allá lo lejos,
                                          Hay algunas cosas simples más y que Olvide decir,
                                         Yo estabá Loco una vez, no hace mucho tiempo y no muy lejos de aquí,
                                         Tenia eso que se Llama...estar Enamorado?
                                         Por un Sueño que no era mio y que no me Pertenecia.
                                        Yo naci una vez en una nuvecilla pasajera lejos de aqui...
                                       Yo naci una vez en una nuvecilla pasajera lejos, lejos de aqui...
                                       Yo naci una vez en una nuvecilla pasajera lejos, lejos y muy lejos de aqui.

                                                        Si muestras fe' en tu Dios ahora,
                                                        Tus fuerzas se reconstruirán y se renovaran,
                                                        Tu alma crecera fuerte y glamurosa,
                                                        y tu nunca más tendarás miedo a la oscuridad,
                                                        ó mas miedo a vivir.

Friday, August 16, 2013

                                          I WAS BORNE IN A WONDERING CLOUD

                                          I was borne once in a wondering cloud,
                                         Where no one else can't see thinking,
                                         Where no one else can see me living,
                                         Where no one can Tell me That I am Crazy.

                                         I was Born once in a Wondering Cloud,
                                         Piece of my mind is always walking around,
                                        Wondering where do I Kill my Dreams and left their ashes,
                                        May be on a Empty closet, hanging on a Empty corner.

                                       May be there is a few things that I might haven't say....
                                       I was crazy once and not far too long from here....
                                       Got a Thing call falling in love...but it never works for me,
                                       For a Dream...that never belong to me,
                                       I was born once in a wondering cloud,
                                      I was Born once in a Far, Too far wondering cloud... 

                             If you show Faith to the Lord, your straight will be Renew in full, 
                             your Soul will grow strong, and you will be not Longer living in Fear.
                             Even the Lord will grow wings on you  so you can fly save away from danger. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Even if the world ends Today, even if you carry Ten Bibles on your shoulders,
Nothing will save or keep Alive your soul, glad to say this to you Today,
That if the end of the world Ends will not suffer anymore.

Sometimes I don't Like to say sad think to anyone...
Sometimes I Love to say nice things to everyone....
Sometimes I Hate to hear too much about Love...
Sometimes I Sob to hear too much about Hate...
and Almost Every time, Almost...Hate myself for not Cry.

I feel so Good for those can Love...Because they can...
I Feel so Good for those can Hate...Because they can...
I fell so Good for those can Cry...Because they can...
and Almost Feel so good, cause believe it or not...they know there is a God up in heaven!
and Because I know is a God...I know I am not worthy to be around them!

Live To Live, and To Live... I live.