Tuesday, September 3, 2013

                                                          "I AM NOT ALONE"

                                        In this life is aloud to have fun,
                                        is aloud to fall in Love,
                                       Also in this life is aloud to be alone,
                                       But must of it, tell yourself  this....
                                      So you can believe it.
                                     Whatever that you do...is not forever...
                                     Cause no matter how many times you'll say forever,
                                    Forever will never be Real, will never be true...
                                    On less you Believe in Forever...

                                    Goodbyes are not always goodbyes...
                                    Cause Goodbyes sometimes comeback...
                                    and I am not alone...
                                    I am just a single man...

                                   I don't want your Phone number...
                                   I don't want you to write me a letter...
                                  Or Give me Hug's, Kisses or bye, bye's...
                                  I just want to be Friends with you....

                                 I am not Alone...I am just a single man...

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